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2015 R. Paul Kerston Community Educator Awardee Announced

Paula Pic for SVI-1 Paula Carr, a Community Strategist and Intercultural Neighborhood Developer with Collingwood Neighborhood House, has collaborated with UBC since 2004. She helped produce an award winning film titled, “Where Strangers Became Neighbours” that has been used in 6 or more UBC courses. This film illustrates the importance of an intercultural community development approach when working with an interprofessional team of community partners and diverse neighbourhood populations (e.g., immigrants, those living on low income, aboriginal people, people with disabilities, people with mental illness). Since 2011, Paula has been involved in a project called RC Interactive where she has supervised numerous UBC students doing community-based experiential learning projects. Paula is also co-author of a chapter that is a case study of RC INTERactive, the community-university partnership that has a community engagement component for students.

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A partnership between the Patient & Community Partnership for Education in the Office of the Vice-Provost Health
at the University of British Columbia and the community.

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