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As a health and human services student at UBC, there are many ways for you to get involved in the Patient and Community Voices project.

Photo by UBC Faculty of Medicine


Register to attend a workshop to engage in dialogue with patients living with chronic health concerns and/or their family members. Our interprofessional workshops are a fantastic supplement to your regular curriculum and offer a rare opportunity to hear from and speak with real patients about issues that are not often addressed in class. Check our upcoming workshops calendar for workshop dates and details. Read what other students have said about our workshops.

Community & Patient Fair

Attend our Community and Patient Fair, which happens each year in late October. The Fair brings together over 30 health-based community organizations. It is a chance to speak with patients and community member and learn about the resources their organizations can offer your future patients.

Attend a Patient Panel – a vital component of the Community and Patient Fair. In a Patient Panel, patients present their personal stories of chronic illness and their experiences with the health care system, which is followed by a question and answer session. It is a great opportunity to learn more about a specific health condition, as well as about issues that affect many individuals with chronic health concerns.

Interested in getting involved? Learn more about our student volunteer opportunities at the annual Allies in Health: Community & Patient Fair.

A partnership between the Patient & Community Partnership for Education in the Office of the Vice-Provost Health
at the University of British Columbia and the community.

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