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As a health and human services faculty member at UBC there are a number of opportunities for you to be involved in the Patient and Community Voices project.

This project is part of an international movement to bring the authentic and autonomous patient’s voice into health professional education, and it is currently the only project of its kind in Canada.
Learn more about the patient’s voice in health professional education.

Read what faculty have said about our workshops.

Have Students Attend a Workshop

We are currently working with faculty to bring patient-centered, community-led learning to existing courses at UBC and having our workshops become embedded within health professional curricula.

If you would like to have a workshop become part of your course, we would be happy to meet with you to discuss your curriculum needs and how one of our workshops may be a good fit.  Note that these workshops will still retain an interprofessional learning component, which is something students find extremely valuable. Please contact the project coordinator to arrange a meeting or to receive more information about our workshops.

Help us Develop a Workshop

Faculty members play an important role in workshop development. Faculty assist community educators in developing workshop learning objectives and provide advice on issues such as structuring presentations for students. It is, however, important to remember that it is the community members who will ultimately be deciding what they feel students should learn: this is the premise of our project.

Become a Faculty Champion

If you value the expertise of patients with chronic health concerns and feel that they have important life experiences from which students can benefit, then we would love for you to champion our project within your department. Tell other faculty members about us and how students can benefit by learning directly from patients and/or let your program director(s) know that you would like to have see patient-centred, community-led, interprofessional learning become part of the curriculum of your department.

Attend the Community and Patient Fair

Our Community and Patient Fair happens each October as part of Celebrate Learning Week at UBC. It is a chance for faculty and students to connect with over 30 health-based community organizations and patients with chronic health concerns. Come on down and explore possible partnerships with community organizations. Encourage your students to attend – as this is a rare chance to speak with so many patients, you may also wish to let your students attend the Fair in lieu of class.

A partnership between the Patient & Community Partnership for Education in the Office of the Vice-Provost Health
at the University of British Columbia and the community.

Copyright © Patient and Community Voices