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The Patient and Community Voices project is an innovative approach to health professional education. We believe it is important for people with chronic conditions and other “expert patients” to be engaged in the education of health professional students.

Students, community health organizations, individual patients and faculty work together to develop, facilitate, and evaluate community-led educational experiences for health professional students. Through this collaborative process students have an opportunity to shape their learning environment, the community has a voice in the training of their future health care providers and faculty members learn how to work in partnership with the community.

Involving “patients as educations” in health professional education is a long standing tradition, but patients are most often used as passive clinical material, props or audiovisual aids. A more active role for patients is now an important part of training health professionals for patient-centered, interprofessional practice.

Currently, most patient involvement in student learning occurs either in the classroom, with an occasional appearance by a guest speaker from the community, or in clinical settings, where learning from patients is complicated by competing needs to learn clinical  skills and provide patient care. The Patient and Community Voices project vision is to  facilitate a working environment to support full community engagement in health professional training.


Click here to learn more about our community-driven educational activities for health professional students.


A partnership between the Patient & Community Partnership for Education in the Office of the Vice-Provost Health
at the University of British Columbia and the community.

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