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Get Involved

Whether you are a UBC health and human services student, a faculty member, a patient or a community member, there are many ways for you to become involved in the project.


Students often get involved in the our educational opportunities to learn about conditions from the point of view of the patient, to work together in interprofessional groups and learn from other students about their professions and to make connections with patient and community health organizations. Read more


UBC Faculty volunteer their time to help organize workshops, learn about the importance of the patient and community perspective, address this need in their classrooms and find out about the importance of patient-centered learning in the clinic, classroom and real world. Read more

Community Members & Patients

Community members and patients offer their expertise in order to express their involvement with the health care system, share their lived experiences, learn from students and provide a learning model for future health professional students that puts the patient at the center of the health care team. Read more

Please contact us for additional information on how you can get involved with the Patient and Community Voices project.

A partnership between the Patient & Community Partnership for Education in the Office of the Vice-Provost Health
at the University of British Columbia and the community.

Copyright © Patient and Community Voices